Marriene Langton Principal/Tumuaki

Marriene Langton Principal/Tumuaki
Tēnā koutou e te whanau. This is my 16th year as tumuaki of our lovely kura. I am one-eyed when it comes to providing the very best education for all of our tamariki, strong connections to whanau and applying attachment theory so every child has a champion adult at our school who believes in them unconditionally. I just can’t see past it. Our kaiako and kaiawhina go the extra 50 miles to give our children the best chances to succeed. My family is number one. After 20 years of camping holidays in Kaiteriteri, Graham and I are recidivist “glampers “ and ready for new adventures in our latest caravan. It’s brilliant when our family joins us too.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Year 5/6 Basketball SW Zone

 Marina and I snuck out of work today to go and watch the basketball team for at least one game. You'd think as principal I could get to do whatever I like. No such luck but a huge perk is that I do get to see these special events.

Charlotte is the ever present teacher supporting and managing her teams. Of course their coach Dave Langrell is always there for them and he does a truly amazing job of coaching and encouraging. Dave's legacy over the  years must amount to hundreds of children that he has inspired to play basketball and enjoy sport. He has a fantastic balance of  competitive spirit and support.  He knows how to manage the disappointment of loss and the need to feel the sadness and use it to get better and to try harder next time. That's such an important skill for children to learn. You don't learn resilience on a course. You learn resilience when you realize that you can't win everything and that sometimes others are better, smarter, prettier and more determined than you are. Our sense of sadness and disappointment and tears help us to grow and to change.

I think we all thought that our team might have won the at game but the score didn't reflect that so Dave just helped the children to move on to the next challenge.

We are very grateful for the parents and staff who give so much to ensuring that our tamariki have every opportunity to experience so many opportunities.

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